Call For workshops

The ICMMME 2024 organizing committee solicits proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the main conference. The purpose of a workshop is to provide an opportunity for participants from academia, industry, government, and other related parties to present and discuss novel ideas on current and emerging topics relevant to manufacturing, material and metallurgical engineering. It is a structured means for people with common interest to form communities.

Who are interested in organizing workshops are invited to submit a formal proposal, which should include,

  • Title
  • Expected enrollment
  • A description of the technical issues that will address, emphasizing its timeliness
  • Presenter/organizer biography
  • Length of the workshop: 1.5 hours, 3 hours


Each workshop should be organized under a well-defined theme focusing on emerging research areas, challenging problems, and/or industrial/governmental applications related to the broadly defined ICMMME. The goal of the workshops is to provide an informal forum to discuss important research questions and practical challenges in manufacturing, material and metallurgical engineering related areas. Novel ideas, controversial issues, open problems, and comparisons of competing approaches are strongly encouraged as workshop topics. In particular, we would like to encourage organizers to avoid a mini conference format by (i) encouraging the submission of position papers and extended abstracts, (ii) allowing plenty of time for discussions and debates, and (iii) organizing workshop panels.

Organizers have free control over the format, style, and building blocks of the workshop. Possible contents of a workshop include but are not limited to invited talks, regular papers/posters, panels, and other pragmatic alternatives. In case workshop proposers need extra time to prepare their workshop, early decisions may be considered if justified.

For any questions

Dr. Tina Wong, Monday to Friday.